Monday, April 30, 2012

Cool Hair

I am so very bored with my hair. But since I'm trying to grow it out and get back its original thickness, I can't do anything fun to it. *Dramatically flips her weave*  So what I do during moments like these, I look at cool hair ideas and colors that I would adore having. So here are what I found recently, and maybe they can inspire your future hair style :3

Cute, no? And if you couldn't tell by now, I love pastels. Especially in hair. And during my Google endeavor, I found this site: We Love Pastel Hair. Check 'em out, yes?

I have to head to class, but tell me what you think about these styles? And post some of your favorite  hair, whether its yours or not!

Peace, Love, and Crafts,
-Jasmine H.

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