Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dear July..

Hey Dudes (this is directed to both men and women)!

So I'm not dead, I was just internet-less for this entire month. So I have it again (though not for long apparently since this new service is equivalent to baby poop) and wanted to update on how my month went/is going.

It's been pretty uneventful, kind of. Mainly filled with late nights/early mornings and a lot of ANTM and Bad Girls Club re-runs. Oh, and books. Lots and lots of books.

The first exciting thing that happened was a trip to Gulf Shores, Alabama with some of my MSA/8th Company Family. The majority bailed on us so it ended up being just Me, Lis, Ciara, and Sarah. Pretty fun :3 Here are a few pictures of us:

Sadly we found no hot guys. Except this Asian guy that I accidentally pissed off because I changed my order from cheesecake to rice. We roamed around the beach, ate great food, and spent quality time in Barnes & Noble and Target.

It was pretty awesome to be on a vacation with no parents being demanding. It was fun knowing we could come and go as we please, blare whatever music we wanted, exercise our sailor's mouth freely, and more. This was the first trip to many!

And last week I spent a few days with my friend Lorin and hung out with her, my friend Emily, and Lorin's little sister Emilee (and  yes, its confusing hanging out with two Emily/Emilee's). This was exciting because I finally learned how to swim!....somewhat!!! As long as I can touch the bottom and be near a wall, I'm good. I do best swimming underwater, though I plan on rectifying this as time goes on :D

Fell in love with a new song...well actually four new songs:

They aren't actually new. These are from the 60s. They are just new to me.

Also, I took this time out to follow the crowd and read Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. Not that bad, actually. It's rare that I'll actually enjoy an erotic romance book, and this book was not an exception. Whenever they started ripping off clothes and such, I just skipped through it all until it got back to the actual story. Call me strange but I'm more interested in the "love" part rather than the "hot, kinky sex" part. Which explains why I'm still a sucker for those cliche teen romance books. They ahr saaaa-oooooooooooooooow cute! :3

I've actually read a number of cutsie books this month. I shall  post them later. Soon, I'm going to start reading a book one of the professors at Ole Miss wrote that I have to read. I'll post details, names, titles, etc. later once I get started on it.

Well, that's about it. I have cool ideas for the blog, coming up soon of course. Plus a new look once my brother finally gets be my new design software...actually any design software. My laptop is definitely lacking!

Hmm, talk to you later - K, Loves? Oh! And I am close to 3,000 page views - which is big for me since I didn't expect that much traffic and only about 100 of those belong to me. Thanks guys! I'd be eternally grateful if you could show my blog off and get me not only more page views, but followers also!

Love you all<3

Peace, Love, and Crafts,
-Jasmine H.

P.S: Oh! And I got told the sweetest thing today! Someone said that Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds by the Beatles made them think of me! And I got complimented on my fashion and creations. Good boost to my ego, and I got it right when I needed it. Seriously, it helped me a lot today :3

P.S.S: I also did my first custom Barbie! I'll make and extra post to show her off :3